Please see the  What's new  page of the website, updated  January 4th 2025.

The u3a is a nationwide network of learning groups aimed at encouraging older people to share their knowledge, skills and interests in a friendly environment.  Bingham u3a was founded in October 2000 and comprises more than forty groups to suit all interests and capabilities - from ambling to writing, from book reading to wine tasting, from theatre trips to science … and many more.

Members also meet monthly on the third Wednesday of the month at 2pm in the Methodist Centre to enjoy a varied speaker programme.

Please have a look through the pages of this website to find out about what the u3a and Bingham u3a in particular are all about.  Have a look at the sort of exciting things we get up to in the Interest Group contacts and activities page and the photos in the Gallery.

If you would like to find out more or join us, please contact any member of the Committee  or our Membership Secretary details of whom can be found on the Committee page.

Note - for the very latest news about what's happening at Bingham u3a,  read the latest Newsletter or look at the What's New page of this website.  For up-to-date information at national and regional level, go to the Newsletters  page.

The u3a

(click on the header to expand the text)

The u3a is a UK movement of retired and semi-retired people who come together to continue their educational, social and creative interests in a friendly and informal environment.

 u3a members draw upon their knowledge and experience to teach and learn from each other but there are no qualifications to pass – it is just for pleasure. Learning is its own reward.

 Formed 35 years ago, there are now over a thousand u3as across the UK, with thousands of interest groups between them and more than 400 thousand members nationally.  

More about Bingham u3a

Bingham u3a was founded in October 2000 and comprises more than forty different interest groups which meet on a regular basis (see Interest Groups page).  It holds monthly meetings in the Bingham Methodist Centre at 2pm on the third Wednesday of the month when there is usually a speaker or some form of entertainment (see the most recent Newsletter) after which tea and coffee are served, giving members a time to chat and sign up for activities.  The meetings finish at 4pm.

To get the full benefit from the u3a, we strongly advise that you join one or more Interest Groups (you can join as many as you have time to fit in!).  If you have suggestions for a new group or if you feel you might be able to start a new group, Anne Lewis, the Groups' Co-ordinator is ready to help.

Monthly Newsletter

Each month a Newsletter is published with up-to-date news about the Bingham branch, reports from individual groups and details of the next meetings.  A copy of the current and old newsletters can be downloaded from the Newsletters page of this website.  Paper copies can be picked up at the monthly meeting and copies are also available in Bingham Library (ask at the desk if you can't find them).  Please get in touch with the Newsletter Editor (details on Committee Page) if you are having trouble finding one.

Principles of the Third Age Movement

The u3a movement is non-religious and non-political and has three main principles:

The Third Age Principle

a) Membership of the u3a is open to all in their third age, which is defined not by a particular age but by a period of life in which full-time employment has ceased

b) Members promote the values of lifelong learning and the positive attributes of belonging to a U3A.

c) Members should do all they can to ensure people wanting to join the u3a can do so.

The Self-help Learning Principle

a) Members form interest groups covering as wide a range of topics and activities as they desire; by the members for the members.

b) No qualifications are sought or offered. Learning is for its own sake, with enjoyment being the prime motive, not qualifications or awards.

c) There is no distinction between learners and the teachers, they are all u3a members.

The Mutual Aid Principle

a) Each u3a is a mutual aid organisation, operationally independent but a member of The Third Age Trust, which requires adherence to the guiding principles of the U3A Movement.

b) No payments are made to members for services rendered to any u3a.

c) Each u3a is self-funded with membership subscriptions and costs kept as low as possible.

d) Outside financial assistance should only be sought if its does not imperil the integrity of the u3a movement.