New Interest Groups and

 Short Courses

New Interest Groups

Although we now have over thirty groups we are always looking for people to set up and lead new ones.  If the subject you are interested in is not available,  what about setting up your own group?  You do not have to be an expert to lead a group and help and advice is always available.  Please contact Steve Aremia on  01949 831537, to discuss any ideas you have.

Running a group involves the following:

Short Courses

We have run courses on: The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall; History of the Workhouse; Brain Health and Climate Change; Tying up Loose Ends and we are hoping to run more in the future.  Please contact Linda Molineaux on 07855 762775  if you might be willing to run one or have any suggestions for a course you would like to see offered.

Proposed new Groups

We have had the following suggestions for groups but we need members who are willing to share their expertise:

Could you help with any of these - or do you have any other suggestions?